" I'm going to skin that nigger alive, " he said quietly.
" 我要去活剥那个黑鬼的皮, " 他低声说.
" Free issue country niggers,'snorted Mammy.
" 尽是些刚放出来的自由黑鬼!"嬷嬷打鼻子里哼了一声.
Then, more loudly: " Wuthless nigger!
接着, 她的声音更响了,"不中用的黑鬼!
" You black liar -- what do you mean?
" 你这仆人的小黑鬼 ---- 想 怎么样 ?
The damned black fool would never have thought of it but for him.
" You've been working with those hands, working like a nigger. What's the answer?
" 你明明是用这双手在劳动, 像个黑鬼一样在劳动, 难道不是这样 吗 ?
" And as for that fool nigger, Pork, he ain't got no bizness with them thar contraptions.
" 至于说到那个傻黑鬼波克, 我看他还是不要去弄那些小玩意儿好.
Tell the black guy by the archway I'm sick of looking at him.
You niggaz laugh coz our staff got guns in they.
She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner.
I let them niggas know it's on for life.
You niggaz can't feel it.
Niggaz think they learned to fly.
Any of you niggaz from New York that wanna bring it bring it.
Anthony : Its just black people demeaning other black people, using that word over and over.
安东尼: 只有黑人才彼此这么叫,“黑鬼”这个, “黑鬼”那个.