These symbols provide a convenient shortened reference to the actual class names.
Class names should always begin with an uppercase letter.
To change a class name, use the Class Name text box.
若要更改类名, 请使用“类名”文本框.
Line | 1 : Class name too long; truncated to | 2.
行| 1: 类名过长; 已将其截断为|2.
Type the class name in the name text box.
The expression contained an invalid character class name.
You can usually use the Classes list in the Object Browser to find available class names.
By default, the feature properties Receiver Assembly and Receiver Class reference the class name and assembly.
默认情况下, 功能属性“接收器程序集”和“接收器类”引用类名和程序集.
Specify control class and property page class names, type names, and type identifiers for your control.
指定控件的控件类以及属性页类名 、 类型名称和类型标识符.
The Feature Receiver property value has two sub properties: Assembly and Class Name.
“功能接收器”属性值具有两个子属性: “程序集”和“类名”.
Class names should not be prefixed with the name of the module they are in.
The name of the class is the same as the name of the file.
A type defined by class. The name of the type is the class name.