He greatly resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.
他对于这本书的出版非常恼火,在他看来,这是对他个人隐私的一种侵犯。Society, she said, has therefore placed a priority on preventing crime and disputes and that has come at the expense of privacy.
因此社会把预防犯罪和争端放在首位,这是以牺牲个人隐私来实现的。Although it might feel like you're out on your own, the reality is that millions of other people have the same goals as you.
尽管这看起来像是在公开你的个人隐私,但是事实上,有上百万的人与你有着相同的目标。But in a case involving AT&T the court ruled this month that the company has no right to personal privacy.
但在这个月一件涉及美国电报电话公司(AT&T)的案件中,最高法院做出裁决,认为该公司没有个人隐私权。Explain to him that you are a very private person and hesitant to go into your history with people, but you meant to tell him before now.
向他解释你是个个人隐私看得很重的人,对于他人进入你的过去,你是迟疑的,你之前也一直想跟他说这件事。Several European governments were up in arms, and ordered the company to cease such wholesale invasion of their citizens' privacy.
一些欧洲政府对此大为光火,命令谷歌停止这种大量侵犯个人隐私的行为。It is usually used when someone tells you something personal or private that you did not want to know.
在某人告诉你一些你并不想知道的个人隐私时,这一说法常被使用。"The filming meant giving up my privacy, " Dau explains, "but I knew it might spread the word and help my people. "
道解释说:“把我的生活拍摄成电影,意味着我已无个人隐私可言。但是,我知道那样能把我的话传播出去,可以让我们的人得到帮助。”We talk with the foreign President, in most cases and age we should not ask such a question of personal privacy.