The front-door bell rang. The landlady answered it. Sarah left the book and listened. Oh, yes; you would, just as she DID!
前门的铃响了,房东太太开了门,萨拉放下书来听。哦,是的,要是你,也会跟她一样的。Fixed an error, which led to the blocking of the storyline quest completion at Yantar (the door to Sakharov's bunker couldn't be opened).
修正了一个错误,从而导致阻塞的故事追求完成Yantar(门萨哈罗夫的掩体无法打开)。What you will find is people with a love of word play, puzzles, often opinionated and of course bright.
不过,你会发现,门萨人都普遍热爱文字游戏、智力测验,往往有些固执武断,当然,还很聪明。Can a 3 year old possess genius-like qualities or at least be smart enough to join the high-IQ organization Mensa?
如果一个三岁小孩儿有天才般的素质,或者,至少足够聪明,他能够加入门萨俱乐部吗?This map of a region known as Deuteronilus Mensae, in the northern hemisphere, shows locations of the detected ice deposits in blue.
地图上该区域即为德特罗尼鲁斯·门萨地区,位于火星北半球,图上以蓝色标出了探测到的冰沉积物所在的区域。Blumenthal said that while brain drain used to be a big concern, now - aside from Africa - the situation is more one of brain circulation.
布卢门萨尔说,人才流失曾经是一个很大的忧虑,但是现在除了非洲以外,现在的情况已经变成人才循环。The only natural site on the planet to have a constellation of stars named after it: Mensa (table in Latin).
门萨(拉丁语:桌子):地球上唯一的原生自然并以此命名过星座。At the tender age of 28 months, Elise Tan-Roberts has become Britain's youngest member of high-IQ society Mensa .
年仅28个月大的幼儿埃莉斯·坦-罗伯茨成为英国“门萨协会”最年轻的会员。Gorgeous actress Sharon Stone has finally admitted she's not a member of Mensa - to the genius organization's immense relief.