汉语拼音:lì bù cóng xīn
- 【解释】:心里想做,可是力量够不上。
- 【出自】:《后汉书·西域传》:“今使者大兵未能得出,如诸国力不从心,东西南北自在也。”
- 【示例】:按我的政治思想水平、斗争阅历和知识能力,担当编选陈毅同志诗词的工作确是~。
◎张茜《陈毅诗词选集·序言》 - 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;用于谦辞
Gradually, the height, although I can move to climb, but not just as easily, and quickly makes me a bit of chew.
渐渐地,到了高处,虽然我还能爬动,但已经没有刚才那样轻松了,很快,我就有些力不从心了。When called to serve or to suffer, we take stock of our strength, and we find it to be less than we thought and less than we need.
我们被呼召来服侍上帝,或为上帝受苦时,常凭藉己力,结果发现力不从心,苦水满腹。Performance from the body, the middle-aged action status sensitivity began to decline from the peak, and often feel powerless to do things.
从身体性能来说,中年人的动作灵敏性已从顶峰状态开始下降,常会感到做事力不从心。"'Tis nothing, nothing; it will soon pass away" --and as he said so the old man's strength failed him, and he fell backwards.
“没什么,没什么,就会好的。”老人说着,终因年老体衰,力不从心,倒在了椅子里。And as you get older and more decrepit, you sort of inch along on this sort of depressing, long staircase, leading you into oblivion.
而且随着你变得更老,更加力不从心,你步履艰难的在这个令人沮丧的,长长的,最终会带你通往灭亡的楼梯上行走。But for strong non-quadratic form and the sharp change in curvature function, the quadratic model seems to unable to solve it.
然而,对于非二次性态强、曲率变化比较剧烈的函数,二次模型信赖域算法显得力不从心。lower temperatures at night fall, this time seems a bit of cotton sleeping bag too.
秋季的夜间温度较低,这时候棉睡袋则显得有点力不从心。Its vast current-account deficit has started to shrink, meaning that America is no longer pulling along the rest of the world.
国际间经常往来帐户的巨额赤字减少,意味着美国引领全球经济已显得力不从心。And his face was painful and piteous to see, particularly from its helpless efforts to seem calm.