
汉语拼音:xiā zǐ



  1. 亦作“ 蛤子 ”。虾的卵。干制后橙黄色,味鲜美,可制调味品。

    鲁迅 《彷徨·幸福的家庭》:“什么菜?菜倒不妨奇特点。滑溜里脊,虾子海参,实在太凡庸。我偏要说他们吃的是‘龙虎斗’。”如:虾子酱油。

  2. 虾。

  3. 亦作“ 蛤子 ”。蛙的别名。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·虫四·蛙》﹝集解﹞引 陶弘景 曰:“凡蜂蚁鼃蝉,其类最多。大有青脊者,俗名土鸭,其鸣甚壮;一种黑色者,南人名蛤子。”《事物异名录·昆虫下·蛤子》引 宋 寇宗奭 《本草衍义》:“青蛙,南人呼为蛤子,又名鼃子。”


    • Adam: Oops ! I dropped it again! That is a slippery shrimp!

      亚当: 噢 喔,又掉了! 那虾子还真滑啊!

    • I can never get my fill of shrimp. I love them.


    • It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of restaurant.

      这是虾子蹄筋, 是这家饭店的特色菜.

    • That's a large pizza with shrimp, peas, extra cream sauce, and squid.

      这是加了虾子 、 豆 、 层奶油酱和乌贼的大比萨.

    • A: I love seafood, especially shrimp and crabs.

      我好喜欢吃海鲜, 尤其是虾子和螃蟹.

    • Shrimp is a very delicious sea - food.


    • We bought crabs, shrimp, and fish at the seafood stand of the traditional market.

      在传统市场的海鲜摊我们买了螃蟹, 虾子和鱼.

    • Tina: I'm in the mood for seafood. Do you like shrimp and crab?

      蒂娜: 我想吃海鲜. 你喜欢虾子和螃蟹 吗 ?

    • However, the shrimp noodle here fishy smell, not as nice as the one from Cheong Kei.

      不过, 这里的虾子捞面倒是有点腥味, 不比祥记面家的好吃.

    • The otters were rolling in ice cubes, eating shrimp and having a good old time.

      海獭们则是在冰块中翻滚, 吃虾子,玩得很高兴.

    • The seasoning has rich nutrients including protein, amino acids, DHA, EPA, astaxanthin and useful elements.

      用虾子制成的调味品,营养丰富,蛋白质含量高 、 氨基酸组成全面且含量高, 并含DHA 、 EPA 、 虾青素及多种有益元素.