All I ever wanted to do was make movies.
In rape cases the offender usually leaves semen.
The mixture of sperm and accessory fluids is called semen.
The greatest concentrations have been found in blood, semen, and cerebrospinal fluid.
其中病毒聚集最多的地方是血液 、 精液和脑脊髓液.
Conclusion: Leukocyte concentration of Semen could affect sperm motion parameters.
结论: 精液白细胞可影响精子运动参数.
Conclusion UU infection could affect semen liquefied duration and semen viscosity.
We found semen all over the dress she was wearing that night.
Methods: The results of TRUS were compared with clinical examination and semen analyses.
方法: TRUS声像图结果与临床诊断和精液检查对照.
There was semen on the bathroom floor and the bed sheets.
Objective To investigate the relationship between WBC concentration in semen and sperm morphological parameters.
In any case, the semen is later simply discharged with the urine.
不管怎样, 精液随后会随著尿液排出体外.
Similarly, the male urethra can be Trichomonas women with the semen into the vagina.
同样, 男性尿道内的毛滴虫可随着精液进入女性阴道内.
Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties.
精液不仅富有营养, 还有着绝妙的质感与烹饪特性.
Semen is a clean and harmless substance which can be swallowed without any ill effects.
Another funny sex fact is that semen deals with bad breath better than mouth wash.
Therefore, a semen analysis is important in the initial evaluation.
Conclusion Excessively high WBC concentration in semen could affect morphology of sperm and acrosomal intactness.
Hepatitis B is transmitted through body fluids like blood, semen, and vaginal secretions.
乙型肝炎通过诸如血液 、 精液和阴道分泌物的体液传播.
Cryopreserved human semen is generally acknowledged to have an impaired fertility compared with fresh semen.
Methods: Using Monoclonal antibodies immunofluorescence method to research the location of CT in semen spermatogenic cells.
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of highly viscous and low PSA semen using urokinase.
Some serious contagious diseases , such as ASF, PRRS and so on, can transmit through semen.
一些重要的传染病, 如非洲猪瘟、猪繁殖和呼吸综合征等仍然可以通过精液进行传播.
There are specific demanding on the storage, thawing, and post thawing temperature when using frozen semen.
The semen freezing was conducted to improve the quality of Yuxi local canine frozen semen.
There may be less semen ejaculated.
Prostatic fluid of semen accounted for 30 %.
A tablespoon of human semen contains enough sperm to fertilize every woman in North America.
Objective : To study the relationship of leukocyte concentration in semen and sperm motion parameters.
目的: 探讨精液白细胞与精子运动参数关系.
Other bodily fluids, as tears, blood, and semen , would work easily as well activate the battery.
其他的体液, 像眼泪, 血液, 和精液也可起到同样的作用.
Objective To study the relationship between semen viscosity and male infertility.