The Company is a wholly-owned enterprises, local investors, professional knitting clothing, shoes and hats trademark.
本公司是一家港商投资的独资企业,专业织造服装、鞋帽商标。Competition in the global clothing market will continue to be a formidable challenge in 2001.
2001年,港商继续需要面对全球服装市场的激烈竞争。It is in this time of uncertain businessmen kick into the real estate market.
正是在这个时候,港商一脚踏入了变化莫测的房地产市场。Why are the local real estate market early developers, and external developers, such as businessmen easy army was totally annihilated ?
为什么房地产市场发展初期都是本地的开发商,而外来的开发商,比如港商那么容易全军覆没?When exploring the Japanese apparel market, it is advisable to pay special attention to the quick response system.
港商开拓日本服装市场时,应特别留意当地的迅速回应系统。However, unlike Hong Kong businessmen joint negotiations is not the best.
然而,与港商的合资谈判进行得并不顺利。Chun Tung Yunfu City of Stone Co. , Ltd is run by a Hong Kong investment in wholly foreign-owned enterprises.
云浮市骏东石材有限公司是港商投资开办的一家外商独资企业。Over time, Hong Kong manufacturerstraders will place less emphasis on quota arbitrage in deciding on the whereabouts for apparel production.
今后,港商选择服装生产地时,配额套利将不再是重要的考虑因素。The company is a Hong Kong CIMB Group, the development of Hong Kong businessmen in the mainland-owned enterprises.