We must bear with her ( ie treat her with sympathy ) during this difficult period.
在此困难时期,我们对她一定要忍让(对待她要有同情心 ).
I can only stand her in small doses , ie for a short time.
Patience helps sustain healthy relationships with family, friends, even coworkers.
忍耐(忍让)助于家庭, 朋友甚至同事维系良好的人际关系.
A step ahead of pay, in some fallback to be patient.
先走一步付出一些, 在退一步忍让一些.
Thank you for your love, your tolerance and patience.
谢谢你的疼爱, 你的包容与忍让.
Context can be transferred intolerably, and translation, in effect, is context transfer.
语境是可以转换的, 翻译的实质就是语境的转换. 语境的转换具有忍让性特征.
Tolerance performs the basic function of resolving or reducing emotional tension.
I can't bear you to be unhappy.
Our forbearance should never be misunderstood.
Everyone held back a bit.
Facing the Yin Jun aggressive imposing manner, the girder fine light will certainly not exercise forbearance.
面对尹俊相咄咄逼人的气势, 柁嘉熹当然不会忍让.
The fifth time when she forbore for weakness and attributed her patience to strength.
Tolerance and accommodation can prevent disputes; Gentleness and great love can transform disasters into blessings.
忍让可避免争执, 柔和大爱可转祸为福.
There is a love call to exercise restraint and patience also a kind of love.
Because you and I are willing to up all your shortcomings and to be patient.