It was difficult to obtain clean grains when the crop was threshed.
They are separating the grains from wheat with a threshing machine.
She found her grandson engaged in military maneuvers on a threshing ground.
她发现孙子正在打谷场上操练,便下了驴,当着战士们的面,上去一把揪住地老鼠的衣顿,骂了两句,用鞭杆朝他脑门敲了一 记 .
But if, in your fear, you would seek only love's peace and.
但是如果你害怕, 你就会去寻找爱的宁静和打谷场.
They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field.
During the rhythmic beating , they perform rice planting, harvesting, threshing and husking.
人们此起彼伏、错落有致的敲打中, 表演插秧 、 收割 、 打谷、舂米等.
They are thrashing the corn in the barn.
Have the farmers started threshing yet?
农民开始打谷了 吗 ?
They are threshing in the barn.
Plows and threshing machines are farm implements.
Like chaff from a threshing floor.
The harvests beat out upon the threshing floor which was also the dooryard to the house.
The inward life of those upon whom solitude has been a threshing floor of emotions.
When the train reached Laiyang Station , the paltforms were piled with the famous Laiyang pears.
村头上 、 打谷场里,堆着象小山一样高的庄稼秸子和金光闪闪的包米穗子.
The farmers used to thresh the grain by hand, but now machines thresh it.
农民过去用手工打谷, 但现在用机器脱粒.