
汉语拼音:shù lǎn



  1. 哺乳动物的一种。形状略似猴,产于热带森林中。动作迟缓,常用爪倒挂在树枝上数小时不移动,故称。


    • Mummies of pleistocene ground sloths, with original skin, hair, tendons and claws have been found.

      还发现了保存原有皮肤, 毛发, 腱和爪的更新世时期地面树懒的木乃伊.

    • He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths.


    • I'm a sloth. I see a a leaf. That's my tracking.

      嘿,我是树懒, 看见树就吃叶子, 我管这叫“追踪 ”

    • Sloth: an animal that moves very, very slowly.

      懒虫,树懒: 一种行动极其缓慢的动物.

    • Wanna give a sloth a hand?

      不想帮树懒一把 吗 ?

    • I see sloth. And he's got the baby.

      我看见树懒了! 孩子在他手里!

    • Diegothe tiger , Manny the mammoth, and Sid the sloth are all back to save the day.

      剑齿虎狄亚哥 、 长毛象蛮尼和树懒喜德全都重返萤光幕前,将一切化险为夷.

    • Slowest mammal - the sloth . It has an average ground speed of only 6 - 8 feet per minute!

      最慢的哺乳动物:树懒. 它的平均对地速度是每分钟6 - 英尺.

    • Many animals are illegal to own as pets, including snails, sloths, and elephants.

      许多动物 -- 包括蜗牛 、 树懒和象--被养做宠物是违法.

    • Slowest mammal - the sloth. It has an average ground speed of only 6 - 8 feet per minute!

      最慢的哺乳动物:树懒. 它的平均对地速度是每分钟 6-8 英尺.

    • A large extinct ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae of the Miocene Epoch through the Epoch.
