汉语拼音:fèi qǐn wàng shí
也说废寝忘 餐。顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容非常勤奋专心。南朝齐王融《三月三日曲水诗序》:“犹且具明废 寝,昃晷忘餐。”
- 【解释】:废:停止。顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容专心努力。
- 【出自】:《列子·开瑞篇》:“杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寢食者。”南朝·齐·王融《曲水诗》序:“犹且具明废寝,昃晷忘餐。”
- 【示例】:但得个寄信传音,也省的人~。
◎元·曾瑞卿《留鞋记》第一折 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义,形容人刻苦努力
His creative aesthetic was as straightforward as it was demanding: Whatever you do, do it full-bore, full time.
他创造性的艺术就跟他所要求的那样直接:无论你做什么,竭尽全力的做,废寝忘食的做。I once worked for a foreign novel, "Summer down the net" mesmerizing, close to the point of sleepless nights.
我曾经为外国小说《夏落的网》如痴如醉,接近废寝忘食的地步。And this should be a time of tireless action and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health.
而且对于我们所有这些在卫生领域发挥领导作用的人而言,现在应该孜孜不倦、废寝忘食地努力工作。Sun jing to luoyang TaiXue studies, all day reading, often neglected.
孙敬到洛阳太学求学,每天从早到晚读书,常常废寝忘食。Some children happy, sleep or not only delay, learning, and a health hazard.
有些儿童乐此不疲,废寝忘食,不但耽误学习,且危害健康。These should be times of tireless effort and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health.
对于我们所有这些在卫生领域具有领导作用的人来说,现在应当孜孜不倦、废寝忘食地努力工作。Many youngsters today are so preoccupied with computer games as to forsake food and sleep, resulting in a host of adverse consequences.
如今,很多年轻人沉浸在电脑游戏中,以至于废寝忘食,产生了许多消极结果。Goebbels and his assistants avidly studied the foreign press to exploit weak spots in their propaganda.
戈培尔和他的助手们废寝忘食地研究外国报刊,以便利用它们宣传中的弱点。We use Fabre, his order to observe the habits of insects, often to the point of sleepless nights.