You asked me to marry you the very same day, and I looked deep into your eyes and said "yes" to being your bride and you whooped with joy.
也就在那天,你向我求婚,我凝望着你的眼睛,答应做你的新娘,你欢喜得大喊大叫。But XHTML has yet to toddle, yet to smile, and yet to cry loud enough to get the attention of most Web designers.
但是,XHTML仍然要蹒跚学步,学着用微笑和大喊大叫来引起大多数Web设计人员的注意。He continued flailing, and I worried that he might hit himself on the aluminum chair in front of him.
他又开始大喊大叫,继续乱挥乱打,我担心他会打到前排的铝椅子伤了自己。This is just a plastic box sitting on their kitchen counterand yelling at me to get more done.
这东西只是个被放在厨房案板上的塑料盒子,一直朝我大喊大叫,让我干这干那。This time, you have the heart to yell at him, but also the heart to ask him why he has not paid wages it?
这个时候,你还忍心对着他大喊大叫,还会忍心追问他为什么工资还没上缴吗?Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery.
经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。The spat turned into a yelling match, sparking another passenger to hit the train's emergency button, calling for subway staff to intervene.
小吵小闹升级到大喊大叫,引发另一名乘客按下了火车的紧急按钮,召唤地铁工作人员干预。Sometimes Mr. Munson comes home drunk, and his wife yells at him and then gets him up for work at 6 a. m.
有时候老李醉醺醺的回家,妻子对他大喊大叫,还要在早上6点把他叫起来。They were crying and seemed to be trying to pull the heavy machine, as if they could make it move faster toward their home.