汉语拼音:hé pán tuō chū
- 【解释】:和:连同。连盘子也端出来了。比喻全都讲出来,毫不保留。
- 【出自】:元·明本述《天目中峰和尚广录》卷十六:“今日特为你起模画样,和盘托出。”
- 【示例】:现在除非把这事~,再添上些枝叶,或者可以激怒于他,稍助一臂之力。
- 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;比喻全都讲出来,毫不保留
If he disagreed with a group's attitude or an individual's opinion, he kept his mouth shut or brutally spoke his contradiction.
要是他不同意一群人的态度或个别人的意见,他要么守口如瓶,要么和盘托出自己反对的理由。A dozen different things that he might say flashed through Digory's mind, but he had the sense to say nothing except the exact truth.
可以说的许许多多事在迪格雷脑海中闪现出来,但他很理智,除了将真相和盘托出外,其他什么也没说。For a woman, sharing problems with her friends is a sign of trust and friendship.
对女人来说,向朋友和盘托出自己的问题是一种信任和友谊的象征When my heart started pounding out of my chest, I knew I had to come clean with my parents.
我的心开始连续猛击我的胸部,我知道我必须对我的双亲和盘托出。Darling, I put my heart up on the shelf, till the moment was right, and I told myself. . .
亲爱的,我把我的心和盘托出,直到这适当的时刻,我告诉自己…Gates wouldn't say outright what he wanted to do with a given program; that way, no one would have details to leak.
盖茨不会和盘托出他想要处理某个特定计划,那样就没人会泄漏详情。She had dished out all her love, a wild, scansioning sea, all over him, unmoved, ungrateful shore.
她已和盘托出她的爱,狂热的,热情洋溢的海,全给了他,无动于衷,毫不领情的岸。He dragged it out forever by telling everything his researchers could find out about Arkansas.
他没完没了地说个不停,把他的调查人员能找到的关于阿肯色州的所有情况和盘托出。If the Don wanted him to show guilt, he would show guilt; if the Don invited grief, he would lay bare his genuine sorrow.