And she took such a taste for this solitary rambling that she often contrived to remain out from breakfast till tea.
她是那样地喜欢自己游荡,经常在吃完早饭到喝茶这段时间想法在外面留连。wicked fools will not go about on it. a 9No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there.
愚昧的人不会在路上留连.9那里必没有狮子,猛兽也不会上去,在那里必遇不见牠们;This can alert you to the fact the dog was barking while you were gone since the citrus smell still lingers in the air.
这可以提醒你注意的是狗叫声,而你已不翼而飞自柑橘气味依然留连在空中。His tone lingered in the air , almost like the tone of a musical instrument .
他的声音留连在空中,几乎好像一种乐器的音调。He remembered the light spirit in which he once looked after the girls--how he had danced, escorted them home, hung over their gates.
他回忆其他如何无牵无挂地追着女孩子们--和她们跳舞,陪她们回家,在她们的门口留连徘徊。Even when I miss the mark, you still hang around because you assume that the missed step was an exception to the rule.
即使有时我写得不那么好,你还是留连这里因为你以为那只是个例外。He moved in an inner world that was more beautiful than Georgia and came back to reality with reluctance.
他生活在一个比佐治亚美好得多的内心世界里留连忘返。At night, the brilliant light and breeze make people feel reluctant to leave.
夜晚,灿艳的灯光、习习的江风,让人留连忘返。However, the most beautiful aspects of my travels were the wonderful friends that I made all over the world.