The name and menu are written in Japanese kanji rather than Western letters, in a large, easy-to-read font.
名称和目录都是使用日本汉字而非西方字母,并且使用一种易于阅读的大字体。Eros was the god of love, better known by hislatin name Cupid. Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.
厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。The ampersand applies to the next character in the name and causes the character to be underlined when the menu item is displayed.
和符号应用于名称中和符号旁边的字符,使得在显示菜单项时该字符有下划线。Field Name is the name of every filed in the data file, and Column Name is the name for every column of the table to be loaded.
FieldName是数据文件中每个字段的名称,ColumnName是要加载的表中每一列的名称。To work locally, download and save the WSDL file with the name MyWebservice. xml to your working directory as shown in the first command.
为了在本地工作,下载并使用名称MyWebservice.xml把WSDL文件保存到工作目录中,如第一个命令所示。The word " jazz" was hardly known before 1912, and even then it was more likely to be used in relation to sports than music.
“Jazz”一词到1912年才逐渐为人熟知,但即便是在那个时候它的所指也多半与运动相关,而非作为一种音乐的名称。By 2009, Wal-Mart will require some of its suppliers to provide the name and location of every factory they use to make their products.
到2009年,沃尔玛将要求部分供应商提供它们每个生产工厂的名称和厂址。A class operation does not "match" if it has the same method name, but a different message name as the WSDL operation.
如果一个类操作与WSDL操作具有相同的方法名称,但没有相同的消息名称,则认为该类操作“不匹配”。Anonymous types allow you to define a class, then declare and initialize an object of that class, without giving the class a name.