They do not rotate out of the front line: soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enlisted.
他们并没有从前线轮换出来:所有在编战士一口气打了三年。Mr. Wu has no teaching tasks this term, and he compiles the teaching materials.
吴老师本学期没有课,他在编教材。From this point, in this paper, focuse on the chaotic OCDMA address codes generation and its encoding and decoding device application.
本文正是从此出发,着重研究了混沌OCDMA地址码的产生,及其在编解码器件中的应用。"Are you on the strength here? " "No, I'm just helping out for a week. "
“你是这里的在编人员吗?”“不,我只是帮一星期的忙罢了。”Besides, affiliated servant is fundamentally different from labor servant in respect of approaches and principles of requisition.
其中,杂役无论在编佥策略上,还是佥派原则上都与夫役有本质上的不同。EG: The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.
信件都分别放在编了号的文件夹里。The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.
信件都存放在编了号的卷宗内。I don't believe you. You must be making this up: Nope, not my style to make up something like this. This is for real.
你是不是在编故事?呵呵,这不是我的风格,我从来不编故事。这是真的。Jia Jingxue is effectively passed off as a staff reporter for China's top newspaper devoted to issues of food quality and safety.