The potent oxytoic effect of prostaglandins has been used to induce abortion and labor in women.
The same is true if the vasopressin gene is knocked out.
The present invention relates to the field of fish culture.
Oxytocin causes the expression of stored milk; prolactin orders more.
催产素产生贮存的乳汁; 催乳素催发出更多的乳汁.
This is where the vasopressin and oxytocin come in.
It is a practical and safe method for induction of labour.
The alove is true if the vasopressin gene is knocked away.
Oxytocin - A peptide hormone that stimulates uterine contractions and milk secretion.
催产素 - 肽激素,刺激子宫收缩和牛奶分泌.
SEX will be developed to get married or when will the secretion of oxytocin and vasopressin.
Results among 182 cases, 24 % given oxytocin, Caesarin section 20 %, then hypertensionin pregnancy, anemia, macrosomia, etc.
结果182例患者中应用催产素比例占24%, 剖宫产占20%, 其次为妊高征, 贫血, 剖宫产, 巨大儿等.
Objective To evaluate the effect of calcium gluconate combined with oxytocin in treatment of uterine inertia.
Both the drugs had no effect on almost all oxytocin ( OT ) secreting units.
The biobehaveoral mechanism of tend and - befriend pattern is oxytocin, endogenous opioid mechanisms and estrogen.
关爱与协助方式的内在生物行为学核心机制在于催产素 、 内啡呔及性激素的调节.
Conversely, injecting oxytocin inhibitors into the brains of mother rats impaired their performance on memory - related tasks.
反之, 将催产素的抑制剂注入母鼠的脑中,则减弱了它们与记忆相关的行为表现.
In women, oxytocin stimulates birth contractions, lactation and maternal bonding with a nursing infant.
对女性而言, 催产素能在分娩时刺激收缩 、 刺激泌乳,甚至有助于在养育婴儿时增强“母胎连结”.