This makes the teacher shortage even more critical.
They have great teachers and high college acceptance rates!
How are you going to organize the training of teachers?
School teacher is strong in a strong academic atmosphere.
What are the teaching staffs made up of in International College?
Problems exist in various aspects, as teaching arrangement, teachers, methodology, and textbooks.
在教学安排 、 师资队伍 、 教学方法 、 教材建设等方面都存在问题.
Investigates its reason ; first, educational expenditure critical shortage; second, teachers serious insufficient.
究其原因, 一是教育经费严重短缺, 二是师资严重不足.
Some advices are given to build qualified teachers queue.
To enable them to do so, teacher training must be intensified.
要做到这一点, 就要加强师资培训工作.
The school has a rational structure, quality of the teaching staff.
学校拥有一支结构合理 、 素质优良的师资队伍.
College has a well - structured, high level of the teaching staff.
学院拥有一支结构合理 、 水平较高的师资队伍.
Beautiful school environment, rational layout and facilities have strong teachers.
学校环境优美, 布局合理,设施齐全,师资力量雄厚.
Strong faculty team, the school's development has laid a solid foundation.
雄厚的师资队伍, 为学校的发展奠定了坚实的基础.
The cultivation of talents depends on the construction of teaching staff.
The school is famous for its highly qualified academic staff.