Most of the players in our team are northerners.
Alexandria's population was cosmopolitan, but mainly Greek.
亚历山大市的居民来自世界各地, 但以希腊人居多.
Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country.
The intelligence of most teen - ager prisoners ( 83 percent ) was lower or had defect.
瑞文标准推理测验智力水平属中下等和缺陷者居多,达 83%.
The majority of the goods in the store are local.
Conclusions As a result , we draw the following conclusions: 1.
综上所述,得出如下结论: 1、肾病综合征青壮年常多见,以男性居多.
But the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system had a very active, mainly hyperactivating, response.
肾素 - 血管紧张素 - 醛固酮系统反应活跃, 一般以偏高居多.
The odds are in your favor because you have more experience.
Therefore, their dances are usually in a small scale.
The most consumers of the Hai - an road shopping street are the female.
Most of the photos in the album are black and white.
The botanical garden had many different plants and trees , especially cactuses.
植物园里有许多各种植物, 尤其是仙人掌居多.
In what food are all sorts of vitamins be in the majority?
But today, and going of the market, most peer.
但今天, 场上来来往往的, 同行居多.
There is a predominance of men in the club.