
  • The bracket has a pair of mounting portions for securing to an outlet box and a modular receiving portion for receiving a modular connector.


  • The cardinal shelf is composed of a backplate for dorsal palm and a bracket for wrist with a U-shaped rack fixed in front of it.


  • Put it in the Incubate tray if you're not ready to deal with it.


  • All but one design use some form of grippers , fingers, or other mechanism to pull the plug form the tray and insert it into the tray.


  • The steel letter bracket completes the transverse move of the steel letter bracket through a set of motor, leading screws and screw nuts.


  • Cold Jet's nozzles can be properly outfitted to ensure optimal performance with handles, extension tubes, stingers and a much more.


  • He assured himself that the door was strong and the bolt solid; then he set down his lamp upon a bracket .


  • NYP rotor pumps are mainly internal and external rotor, shaft, pump body, the front cover, brackets, seal and bearing etc.


  • Panel mounting is facilitated by the central connecting pin at the back and a corresponding mounting bracket.
