
汉语拼音:zòng guān



  1. 恣意观看。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 高祖 常繇 咸阳 ,纵观,观 秦皇帝 ,喟然太息曰:‘嗟乎,大丈夫当如此也!’”《北史·裴矩传》:“復令 张掖 、 武威 士女盛饰纵观,填咽周亙数十里,以示中国之盛。” 清 蒋泩 《重表唐伯虎遗墓》诗:“诗作生涯酒作年,纵观大地总荒阡。” 清 冒襄 《影梅庵忆语》:“脱有不测,前与君纵观大海,狂澜万顷,是吾葬身处也。”

  2. 纵览,博览。

    宋 苏舜钦 《答范资政书》:“日甚閒旷,得以纵观书策。” 清 龚自珍 《拟进上<蒙古图志>表文》:“臣伏处下士之列,纵观史册之盛。”


    • Globally, there is a danger of water recession in the near future.

      纵观全局, 在不久的将来海水水位下降的危险逼近.

    • Across the region, fresh water supplies are rapidly drying up.

      纵观整个地区, 新鲜水源的供应正迅速干涸.

    • For example, has the candidate enjoyed picture work or detailed analysis more?

      例如, 应聘者善于纵观全局或是注重细节分析?

    • Throughout the history of accounting, the accounting of the development is reactive.

      纵观会计的历史, 会计的发展是反应性的.

    • Throughout their history, the pyramids of Giza have stimulated human imagination.

      纵观历史, 吉萨城的金字塔激发了人类的想象力.

    • Throughout the video sharing site market, the trend of polarization very clearly.

      而纵观整个视频分享网站市场, 两极分化的趋势亦很明显.

    • Peacemakers throughout history have faced huge problems trying to solve international conflicts.


    • Overall, the revised essay is a clearer, smoother version of the original.

      纵观全文, 修改后的文章比原文更清晰更流畅.

    • With all the deals last year, in vestment investment banks did well.

      纵观去年所有交易, 投资银行做得很好.

    • Throughout the coming years, he would commit great and valorous deeds.

      纵观今后几年内, 他将致力于伟大和valorous事迹.

    • Our October overview shows you what's in store in next month's magazine.


    • Seen from Juba, muddle and frustration prevail.

      纵观朱巴时局, 可以看到那里处处都是混乱与挫败.

    • Skill of Feeling Expression in Piano Performance.


    • Throughout its history, Morocco has attracted a lotfrom powerful foreign countries because its important location.

      纵观古今历史, 摩洛哥由于地理位置重要,一直引起列强觊觎.

    • In fact, historically very few teams are ever under the cap during a season.

      事实上, 纵观历史,只有很少的球队能够整赛季都保持不超过薪金上限.

