Increasing lending into a downturn seems to be a perfect recipe for jacking that up across the industry.
在经济放缓之际增加借贷,似乎是令银行业普遍增加不良资产的“良方”。Relaxing the body and nerves, and mapping out a clear career plan are effective ways to relieve the syndrome, experts suggest.
专家称,放松自己,并制定出清晰的职场计划是解除“都市匆忙强迫症”的良方。In Chinese Medicine, this brew was used to battle many conditions, and is still used today as both a helpful preventative and cure.
在中国的医学上,绿茶用于治疗许多症状,即使在今天也仍被用做一种预防和治疗疾病的良方。He was also among the first writers to grasp that American cuisine is a good way to understand the nation's vigorous and various cultures.
他也是最早领悟到美式烹饪是理解美国蓬勃且多元文化之良方的作家之一。But the formula with which Microsoft achieved its dominance in the first round appears not to be working in the second.
但第一回合里成就微软霸主地位的良方似乎在第二回合不再有效。Everyone gets a little lonely. Fortunately, in this modern age, the cure for loneliness can be delivered right to your door.
每个人都有寂寞的时候。不过幸好在现代社会治愈寂寞的良方是可以快递上门的。Blocking these genes using RNA molecules, known as RNA interference, could be a potential treatment for alcoholism, they say.
研究人员说,利用被称为RNA干扰疗法依靠RNA分子抑制这些基因片段可能称为潜在的治疗酗酒的良方。In short , it must start to think of integration not as a branch of social policy but as the cure for its long-term economic ills .
简言之,必须从此不再把融合看作社会政策的一个分支,而是治疗德国经济沉疴的一剂良方。It does not take a genius to predict that this is a prescription for continued turbulence and uncertainty.