You've given away a good chance of success.
Don't let the good chance slip.
Opportunity knocks but once.
Make hay while the sun shines.
It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong.
Whittingham, the League's top scorer, had an off day, missing three good chances.
He was content to bide his time patiently, waiting for the opportunity to approach her.
It would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip; it's a chance of a lifetime.
坐失这个良机, 那是太傻了,这是一生中难得的机会.
Dixon thought, each must enjoy himself as and when he can.
狄克逊想着, 每个人都应不失良机地纵情欢乐.
Circumstances undoubtedly deprive many potential managers of opportunity; few may succeed to top position.
无疑,许多有潜在能力的管理者受环境影响,而失去良机, 只有少数人能得到高位.
He mused that great opportunities had been lost in Soviet - American affairs, especially between 1959 and 1963.
他认为,苏美关系, 特别是一九五九年到一九六三年,失去了一些重大良机.
That way we lose whatever chance we have of following Blondie to somebody more important.
But for young people it presents an opportunity to follow the sun, so to speak.
但对年轻人来说, 却可以说是追寻生活乐趣的良机.
And where can the German business community best capitalise on such opportunities?
Mary threw away a good chance for a better job.