My bulging thighs and flabby stomach made me depressed.
Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband.
His gut sagged out over his belt.
At age fifty-three, he now has a few extra pounds around his middle.
Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away.
Muscular, of medium length, moderately arched, with no dewlap. The head erect.
肌肉发达, 中等长度, 略拱, 无赘肉, 使头部竖立.
Lose 10 lbs . and unwanted inches in 48 hours . Guaranteed!
Throat showing dewlap and folds of skin to a degree termed " throatiness. "
喉咙上有赘肉,皮肤松弛达到了 “ 粗喉咙 ” 的程度.
You can't remove a big fat belly by doing sit ups.
Neck is strong, arched and well muscled. There may be some dewlap.
颈部强壮, 呈拱型,肌肉发达.可能会有一些赘肉.
Faults: Long neck with insufficient muscle. Dewlap very obvious.
缺点: 肌肉缺乏的过长的脖子,喉部赘肉极其明显.
The neck is strong, muscular, of medium length and free of throatiness.
颈部结实, 肌肉发达, 中等长度,无赘肉.
Shedding excess weight and exercising more can cut Type 2 diabetes risk by 58 percent.
That girl must have weighed at least 500 pounds! Did you see the cankles on her?
那个女孩起码得有500磅重! 你看见她脚踝上的赘肉了么?
The neck is long and strong, without throatiness and flows smoothly into the shoulders.
颈部长而结实, 无赘肉,平稳地融如肩部.