
    • They are so creamy with full body coco flavor.


    • That's bacon souffl é you're making, ain't you? Well, thank you Jason.

      你在做蛋奶香酥培根把? 那么我得谢谢你杰森.

    • That's bacon souffl é you're making, ain't you?


    • Jin Xuan - With a clear natural fruit aroma, taste like honey, color, feeling charm and extravagance.

      新派金萱 - 茶叶色泽翠绿有光泽, 滋味清纯滑润,带有淡淡奶香及花香, 味道甘美, 风味独特.

    • It's a fruity wine , with fine bubbles and elegant nose of fresh butter and creamy cake.

      卡蒙皇家起泡汽酒是一款果味浓郁, 气泡细腻丰富,散发着新鲜乳酪和奶香的口味雅致的葡萄酒.

    • Milk with orange juice has a taste that gladdens people's heart and refreshes their mind.
