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虽然他很固执,难对付,可他老婆却能把他管得服服帖帖的。eat out one's hand: At the end of a month, club leader had the unruly youths eating out of their hands.
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他总是清楚女人对婚姻的渴望。这么简单一句,就把她收的服服帖帖的。This is an opportune time to spring, the dust a few days the weather has been continued a few days of the spring run of then trace escape.
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他把妻子吓得服服帖帖。The teacher is really experienced and knows how to deal with his pupils. He will have the unruly class eat out of his hand before long.
这位老师很有经验,很懂得怎样和学生打交道,用不了多久,他就能把这个不守规矩的班级教得服服帖帖的了。The delicious steak with original taste served with Japanese halite and pepper of worlds top class will fondle your taste affectionately .
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