汉语拼音:ān jū lè yè
- 【解释】:安:安定;乐:喜爱,愉快;业:职业。指安定愉快地生活和劳动。
- 【出自】:《老子》第八十章:“民各甘其食,美其服,安其俗,乐其业,至老死不相往来。”《汉书·货殖列传》“各安其居而乐其业,甘其食而美其服。”
- 【示例】:一家正~,不想安禄山兵乱,潼关失守,天子西幸。
◎明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷六 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,形容工作生活都很好
I know you acted like a little lady. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all.
我知道你的举止象个小姐。看到安居乐业的人喜欢你们,我很高兴。Sad to say, after they returned home to the east side of Jordan, they drifted away from God. Finally they were completely lost to Israel.
遗憾的是,当他们回到约旦河东岸建立家园,安居乐业之后,他们却逐渐离弃了神,与其他的以色列民彻底地分开。Elsewhere the year had been a prosperous one, the harvests abundant and the people content.
那一年,别的地方年景很好,粮食丰收,人们安居乐业。He wants voluntary groups and private companies to help reduce reoffending by assisting former prisoners in finding homes and jobs.
他希望志愿团体和私企帮助这些人员安居乐业,从而降低犯罪的复发率。with the countryside and people's happiness, formed a mainstream of daily life of rural residential settlements.
乡间人民安居乐业,形成了以生活起居为主流形态的乡村民居聚落。But for all Dubai's woes, the Gulf still needs a financial centre, a port, and a secure place to live, Mr Cooper points out.
不过迪拜所悲哀的是,库珀指出海湾仍需要一个金融中心,一个港口,一个安居乐业的地方。You see, I've always liked the idea of living just sufficiently, an adequate sized house for my imagined "basic" needs.
我一直觉得,生活只要能安居乐业,衣食无忧就可以了,房子的大小能满足我想象到的“基本”需要就已足够。China's sustained economic growth, social stability and its people's peaceful life also benefit its neighboring countries.
中国经济持续发展,社会和谐稳定,人民安居乐业,使周边国家从中受益。Living is another form of art. All Chinese arts are rooted in a fulfilled life.