
汉语拼音:zhǔ jiǎng



  1. 担任讲授或讲演。

    清 袁枚 《新齐谐·敦伦》:“ 李刚 主讲正心诚意之学,有日记一部,将所行事必据实书之。” 清 梅曾亮 《<耻躬堂文集>序》:“ 咸丰 元年, 曾亮 主讲梅花书院。”


    • He will give a lecture on Chapter 5.


    • At the beginning it was difficult to bear people over long distances.


    • He spoke about HIV capture system in post - Cold War era.


    • Yixing county Jiangsu appointed county magistrate, after the speaker's College Yinchuan.

      任江苏宜兴县知县, 后主讲银川书院.

    • Students attended lectures on this topic , given by faculty and invited guests.


    • First, the moderator introduced the Microsoft Club and guest speaker Chen teachers.

      首先, 主持人热情向听从介绍了微软俱乐部及主讲嘉宾陈明老师.

    • Speakers: Professor from Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.

      主讲: 明尼苏达大学休伯特-杭弗瑞公共事务管理学院教授.

    • This session will be delivered by a lease consultant with over 20 years experience.


    • A series of short lectures were given by the foreign and native experts.


    • She mainly teaches the following courses: Language Testing, General Linguistics, Research Methodology and Comprehensive English.

      主讲课程: 语言测试, 普通语言学, 研究方法和综合英语.

    • Because I was going to teach Chinese history, so I made a strand.

      因为要主讲中国历史,所以做了一下线索表, 还好,很清楚!

    • His main teaching courses are: automatic control theory, auto control technology of power system.

      主讲课程有: 自动控制理论, 电力系统自动控制技术.

    • After the candidates for the speaker's College Yang Yan, art and ideas after the first behavior.

      后应聘为严晋阳书院主讲, 主张后文艺而先品行.

    • She has lectured on Psychology of Young Children, Family Education, and Kindergarten Curriculum for many years.

      主讲《学前儿童心理学》 、 家庭教育》 、 幼儿园课程》等课程.

    • The classical examples of programming adduced by the speaker deeply impressed the audience at present.
