The long coastline near the camera shutter sound, should be received not flawless, rain is heavier, but did not affect people cheerful mood.
长长的海岸线旁边,相机的快门声应接不瑕,雨虽是越下越大,却丝毫影响不了人们愉悦的心境。How much would you pay for genuine peace of mind?
你会出多少钱买个心境平和?At the moment of death, our state of mind is all-important.
在死亡的那一刹那,我们的心境非常非常重要。A state of peace does not grow out of a false sense of safety, but out of understanding how to interact with the forces we are subjected to.
一种平静的心境并不来自于一种错觉的安全感,而是来自于对如何应对我们周遭事物的理解。At least you'll laugh or smile, and that may be enough to diffuse the situation and feel better.
至少你会开怀大笑或窃喜一下,也许这就够你缓和心境,感觉舒畅了吧!Youth is not a time of life , It is a state of mind , it is nota matter of rosy cheeks , red lips , and supple knees.
青春不是年华,它是一种心境,它不是粉颊,红唇,柔膝。是意气恢弘,情感勃发,是人生暮年的一种心旷神怡。You'll be ready to start the day with a clear, focused mind and plenty of energy, whether you're heading off to work or to your yoga mat.
你将以明净、专注的心境和无限充沛的能量开始新的一天,可以奔赴去上班或是坐到瑜伽垫上开始今天的瑜伽练习。That means you need to offer something of value, which puts them in a frame of mind so they'll willingly share information with you.
这就意味着你必须提供一些有价值的,能让顾客处于好的心境的东西。The heart puts a bit lighter, again a bit lighter, much less to set themselves up heart knot, state of mind is calm.