These plastic surface has a anti - moisture , heat - resistant and long term durability.
这些塑料暗不天具有 抗水 、 耐寒、恒久耐用的特不面.
Therefore, the package you want to have a waterproof, anti - moisture performance.
因此, 包装要具有一定的防水 、 抗水 性能.
Countermeasures: replacement of water resistance , or join a envirogluvtm anti - moisture cocatalyst.
对策: 更换抗水性好的油墨, 或加入抗水助剂.
Features: colorful and strong adhesion, easy on the makeup, sweat - resistant water - resistant .
特点: 色彩鲜艳附着力强, 容易上妆, 可 抗水 抗 汗.
Cause: innovative ink anti - moisture bad emulsive after super hydrophilic in the suites.
原因: 油墨抗水不好乳化后粘在版面亲水.
Countermeasures: replacement anti - moisture good ink.
对策: 更换 抗水 好的油墨.
Cause: innovative ink anti - moisture envirogluvtm emulsive bad.
原因: 油墨抗水不好的油墨乳化.
Countermeasures: Add in innovative ink anti - moisture cocatalyst.
对策: 在油墨中添加 抗水 助剂.
Open mouth - shaped float resists water attack.
The anti stripping performance is significant improved by using cement and anti - stripping agent together.
在联合使用时,安山岩集料沥青混凝土的 抗水 损害能力提高显著.
Water stability of asphalt mixtures modified by epoxy resin was also validated using relevant tests.