
    • Fables are also widely spoken language in the masses.


    • The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language.


    • Overall , Chinese Xiehouyu is a unique language form in the Chinese language.

      通过这五个部分的研究, 笔者认为歇后语是汉语独有的语言形式.

    • Allegorical Saying ( Xiehouyu ) is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.

      歇后语 是熟语的一种,是广泛流行的 、 诙谐而形象的语句.

    • Last, discussing idioms use in a great feature of dialect, including Xiehouyu, phrases and idioms.

      最后, 探讨《聊斋俚曲集》中方言特色浓厚的熟语的使用情况, 包括歇后语 、 惯用语和成语.

    • Compared with the traditional allegorical sayings , the allegorical sayings on campus have many new characteristics.

      较之传统歇后语, 它在主体结构方面有诸多新的特征.