汉语拼音:míng fù qí shí
- 【解释】:名声或名义和实际相符。
- 【出自】:汉·曹操《与王修书》:“君澡身浴德,流声本州,忠能成绩,为世美谈,名实相符,过人甚远。”
- 【示例】:而况教育能不能~,还是个不能便下断语的问题。
◎叶圣陶《桥上》 - 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
Iran said: " the U. S. president after wining the Nobel peace prize should put more efforts to make himself a real peace maker. "
伊朗方面说:“美国总统获得诺贝尔和平奖后应该更加努力使自己‘名副其实’”。Good friends, Dalian is a veritable garden city, the square are an important feature of her. Xinghai Square is just one of many plazas.
好,各位朋友,大连是一座名副其实的园林城市,广场多是她的一个重要特色,星海广场只是这众多的广场中的一个。As if determined to deliver on the name, it inserts bullet points into text with little provocation.
就好像铁了心要让自己名副其实一样,它会无缘无故地往文本里加入用于列举的项目符号。Quick Online Tips is not remarkable (at least not to me) but it does exactly what the name promises.
快速网赚窍门并不是多么不同凡响(至少在我看来是这样),但它确实名副其实。people speak of him as a real Narcissus.
大多数人都说他是一个名副其实的孤芳自赏者。When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, it suddenly became obvious that the USSR had never been a proper country.
前苏联1991年解体时,人们突然认识到:苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟从来都不是一个名副其实的国家。All that, I believe by my own research experience, will make a genuine new century of mathematics.
以我自身的研究经验来看,所有这一切将迎来一个名副其实的数学新纪元。The outgoing US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said the Haqqani network was a veritable arm of the Pakistani intelligence.
即将离任的美国联合参谋长联席会议主席MikeMullen上将称,哈卡尼网络是巴基斯坦情报名副其实的左膀右臂。But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership; and the United Nations would live up to its name. So we should do it.