Many people have such a psychological -- " it's better to save trouble. " , " to help a stranger, it may be blackmail" .
很多人有这样的心理——“多一事不如少一事”,“帮一个陌生人,搞不好会被讹诈”。And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.
约翰说,不要以强暴待人,也不要讹诈人,自己有钱粮就当知足。He understood that we could not mediate effectively until it was clear that our actions had not been extorted by Soviet pressure.
他知道,除非清楚地表明我们的行动没有受到苏联压力的讹诈,否则我们是不能有效地进行斡旋的。The aim is often to blackmail the site: sometimes the owners are told that unless they make a payment, the attacks will continue.
这类攻击的目的往往是讹诈网站:有时候网站主会被告知,除非他们付钱,否则攻击会继续。People assured me he wasn't out to rip me off, and I should take him up on his offer of a tour.
那里的人向我保证他不会讹诈我,而且我应该向他问明白他带我去游览的事情。NUCLEAR blackmail is an old trick of Kim Jong Il, North Korea's 68-year-old dictator, learnt at the knee of his father, Kim Il Sung.
核讹诈可是金正日的老伎俩了。这位68岁的朝鲜独裁者正是从他爸爸金日成那里学到了这些。He hated the blackmail, the deceit, the desperation, and the way one always stabbed the enemy in the back.
他讨厌讹诈欺骗手段,铤而走险的方式和暗中伤人的伎俩。perhaps someone was blackmailing her , " suggested one of the other girls hopefully" .
“也许是有人讹诈她。”有个女孩满怀希望地提醒大家。The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.