To rest his head in a girl's lap had been the easiest thing in the world until now, and now he found Ruth's lap inaccessible and impossible.
过去把头枕在姑娘膝头上原是最容易不过的事,可现在他却发现露丝的膝头是无法接近的,难以达到的。He bent his head forward to hear what they were talking about.
他把头往前探,听他们在谈论什么。I yelped and craned my head backward, trying to see what was going on.
我疼得直喊,努力把头转过去,试图看到背上到底怎么了。She was eventually freed and now knows the answer to the joke "a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'why the long face? "
当然,最后她终于把头拔出来了,而且她现在知道这个笑话的答案了:“一匹马走进一个酒吧,酒保问‘为什么是长脸呢?’”Tao Zi twisted her head to the side when Cang Li Man was trying to kiss her.
来点高兴的事吧:仓里满想吻陶子,陶子却把头扭到一边。Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the water out.
然后使用注射器把水轻轻的喷到耳槽壁上,再把头倾下,让水流出来。so she laid herself down on the soft moss, offered up her evening prayer, and leaned her head against the stump of a tree.
所以她就在柔软的青苔上躺下来。她做完了晚祷以后,就把头枕在一个树根上休息。If your horse raises his head out of reach, you'll have to teach him to lower it.
如果你的马把头抬高到你够不到的地方,你就需要教会他低头。Boyd had his head out the door of his office.