
汉语拼音:dú qì

1.旧称毒瓦斯。气 态的毒剂。



  1. 瘴疠之气。

    《汉书·王莽传中》:“ 僰道 以南,山险高深, 茂 多敺众远居,费以亿计,吏士离毒气死者什七。”《后汉书·城阳恭王祉传》:“ 仁 以 舂陵 地埶下溼,山林毒气,上书求减邑内徙。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十二:“ 汉 永昌郡 不违县 有禁水,水有毒气,唯十一月、十二月差可渡涉。”《三国演义》第八八回:“目今炎天,毒聚 瀘水 ,日间甚热,毒气正发:有人渡水,必中其毒;或饮此水,其人必死。”

  2. 灾气。

    南朝 梁 宗懔 《荆楚岁时记》:“五月五日,四民并蹋百草,又有鬭百草之戏,採艾以为人悬门户上,以禳毒气。”

  3. 毒力。


  4. 佛教语。指贪、瞋、痴三毒之习气。


  5. 气状的毒剂。旧称毒瓦斯。


  • For a time, the CIA helpfully contended that it was Iran, not Iraq, that had dumped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja.


  • "No one expected Venus to be the poisonous hell that it is, or Mars to have the river valleys that it does, " he said.


  • In case of gas, gas leak, fire, use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose crawl around the upper hand against the wind to direction.


  • Would she have sent me to the gas chamber if she hadn`t been able to leave me, but wanted to get rid of me?


  • At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported.


  • The new structure for the space between allows for the passing of gases and a more efficient means of detoxifying.


  • Tawifk and his team have been able to identify mutant enzymes capable of breaking down two different types of nerve agents.


  • The government has responded by saying the case against the American head of Union Carbide at the time of the leak is still open.


  • They first attacked the children, winding round their bodies and breathing their pestilential breath in their faces.
