Cooperation consists in helping ong another and in sharing losses and gains.
An easy scaling factor does not relate common - and differential - mode voltages.
Reaction temperature is determined by co - boiling point while using organic solvent.
She shares in my troubles as well as in my joys.
Comparing co - precipitation method, catalyst by MVS has a higher carbon dioxide conversion and higher hydrocarbon yield.
与共沉淀法所得催化剂比较,MVS法制 得的催化剂具有二氧化碳转化率高、总烃收率高的特点.
Throughout the long history, human communities havenever been so closely interconnected in interests and destinies.
在人类漫长的发展史上, 各国人民的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连、戚与共.
Jim and Anne have now resolved to take one another for better for worse.
Sincere 、 amiable 、 kindhearted single - minded to love for a long time with together, with celebrating remaining years.
真诚、随和、善良、对爱专一,长久与共, 同欢度余生.
However, gap of huge the poor makes the world appears very disharmonious however.
在经济全球化进程中,各国日益变得互为依存,利害与共.然而, 巨大的贫富差距却使世界显得很不和谐.
It is important to understand the difference of bainite transformation and eutectoid decomposition in steels.
The essay also discusses the properties of indirect accomplice, and distinguished indirect accomplice from joint offender.
本文还论述了间接正犯的性质, 并对间接正犯与共犯的区分作了研究.
Dance has been a loyal companion of mankind on his way toward higher civilizations.