The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise; the deaths will help determine how much BP pays in damages.
计算墨西哥湾死亡野生生物数量不仅是项学术活动,还将有助于确定英国石油公司的赔偿数额。Close the present position regardless of its amount or result. Do not open a new position until the next entry signal has been raised.
关闭现在的位置不论其数额或结果。不要打开了一个新阵地,直至下一次进入的信号已经提出的问题。You probably know exactly how much you have in your bank account, Virgo, right down to the last penny.
你可以很准确地说出自己银行账户上的数额,甚至能精确到毫厘。However, the number of windmills which would have to be built and the high cost of the plan means that this is not very practical.
但是,所需风车数量之多,要投入的成本数额之大,都说明这个计划不太现实。"This reopening of the Taj for moonlight viewing is going to draw fantastic crowds from across the globe, " he said.
“泰姬陵在月明之夜再一次开放将会吸引来自世界各地的人们,届时游客数额将是惊人的。”他说。Jaguar knight's plan was to ask for an important amount of accrual (cacao beans) and quetzalli (quetzal) feathers to liberate artist.
捷豹骑士的计划要求的cacauatl(可可豆重要的数额)和quetzalli(格查尔)解放艺术家羽毛。The amount of compensation can also be calculated based on how much the copyright violator profited from the infringement.
也可以按照侵权人因侵权行为所得利益计算赔偿数额。But to tell you the truth, the room is so large that I can share it with someone else, and that will decrease the total amount of the rent.
是的,但实话告诉你,房间很大,所以我可以和其他人合租,这样就能减少租金的数额。First of all, the amount of money you are raising is a good general indicator of how much you think the company is worth.