They damage female strobili during the interval between pollination and fertilization.
However, pollen insect - pollinated ( entomophilous ) species is also often transported by wind.
然而, 虫媒传粉 ( 虫媒植物 ) 种的花粉也常常由风来输送.
It'seems that pollination also involves certain chance factors.
Open - pollinated progenies of such genotypes are raised separately.
The difference should be discernible in the time of flowering and pollination in orchards.
Flower ecologists have distinguished the wind pollinators, i . e . the anemophilous plants from the zoidogamous plants.
花生态学家把风媒传粉种, 即风媒植物,同动物媒植物区别开来.
Clearing a surround to the orchard, will significantly reduce background pollination to very low levels.
在种子园周围只要清除出一条隔离带, 便可显著地使外来传粉减到最低水平.
It helps to promote cross - pollination and is often combined with self - incompatibility.
这种现象在许多特化的 虫媒花 中较常见,尤其是通过蜜蜂传粉的花.
Almost all pollinators visited the flowers before 12:00 am.
And other pollinating insects are of the acute shortage of relevant data.
Hydrophily Pollination in which water carries the pollen from anther to stigma.
Variations of flower color are related to gene mutation and pollination pattern and so on.
The restrict of pollination is probably one of the cause of high abortion rate.
Amegilla floraea ( Smith ) Brooks and Xylocopa nasais Westwood were the most important pollinators.
花无垫蜂(Amegillaflorea ( Smith ) Brooks)和竹木蜂(XylocopanasaisWestwood)是最主要的传粉者.
Zingiberaceae plants are highly diverse in species, morphology and anatomic structure as well as in pollination.
姜科植物在种类 、 外部件状及内部解剖等方面具有高度的复杂性,其传粉方式也显示出了丰富的多样性.