The world is so, the men had been accustomed to this kind of treatment, to be the master of the world.
世皆如此,男人们已经习惯了这样的待遇,痴心于做世界的主宰。The current obsession with how soon China's economy will overtake that of the United States is absurd.
当前有关中国经济将如何尽快超越美国的痴心是荒谬的。My fascination with nature, in whatever country I moved to, provided me with an endless source of distraction and amazement.
我对大自然的痴心向往,无论搬到哪个国家居住,都能提供给我充满欢乐和惊喜的无尽源泉。Even if some of the cats also then, it did not even frightening, to spend money acquiring point of cats like to eat food, what ah?
即使有个别的猫还那么痴心不改,那也没甚可怕,花点钱置办点猫喜欢吃的荤腥类食物,还有什么搞不定啊?After tying your love locks, tell her "Our hearts will be united, and I will be loyal to you, infatuated by you and never change my heart. "
系好同心锁后,对她说:“与你同心,对你忠心,一片痴心,永不变心。”The program was never recognized by NASA and now, at the age of 72, Funk, a professional pilot, is still waiting.
但该计划从未得到过NASA承认,而现年72岁的职业飞行员Funk依旧痴心不改。The beautiful talk between lovers also does not compare me to your foolishness.
再美的情话也比不上我对你的痴心。She loved him - the first time since he took her infatuation!
她爱他——只因他在第一次就夺走了她的痴心!Trustscience to have the answer: Turns out, we've always been wired for shoe lust, even when the going gets tough.