They say you drink the clean blood all day long, not like me to live a life in dump and stool.
他们说你整天喝着干干净净的血,不象我整天在垃圾堆和厕所里讨生活!Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him.
不一定,这老人就干干净净的.他喝酒十,酒并不往外溢出来.就连现在喝醉了,也还是滴酒不漏.你瞧他。Timon told them to set their minds at ease, for he had clean forgotten the matter.
泰门要他们放心,并说他已经把那些事情忘得干干净净。The sky was brushed clean by the wind and the stars were cold in a black sky.
风把天空扫得干干净净,夜空中满天星斗闪烁寒光。All the crew liked and even obeyed Silver, and he was always pleased to see me in the kitchen, which he kept as clean as a new pin.
所有的船员都喜欢西尔弗,甚至很听他的话,他总是很高兴我在厨房里,他总是把厨房收拾得干干净净。Then tell him how much you love his clean, soapy scent.
然而告诉他你多么喜欢他干干净净的,喜欢他身上淡淡的肥皂味道。eduction is as much an art as a science, but many guys seem to forget the science part.
把妹是艺术也是科学,但很多男人似乎把科学这一部分忘得干干净净。Furthermore, these traders continued to make money in 2008, a year when many banks and hedge funds gave back five years of returns.
另外,这些交易员在2008年仍旧盈利,而这一年里,许多银行和对冲基金把5年来的收益都赔得干干净净。There was an almost voluptuous feeling to being clean again after having had a shower.