When Denver's Rocky Mountain News folded just over a year ago, some of its staffers left journalism.
当丹佛的《洛基山新闻报》在一年多以前停办时,其麾下的一些职员就放弃本行离开了报业圈。We therefore decided to discontinue the Forum and will advise the universities to participate in their initiatives instead.
为此,我们决定停办三方会议,并建议各大专院校改为参与上述机构的计划。Only in 12 when 45, or delayed or end before, or next year, it seems that this administration suspended draft play hardball.
以后都只能在12时45之前结束,否则要么录播,要么明年停办选秀,看来这次总局动真格了。But it has been abruptly abandoned after an animal rights activist threatened to disrupt the latest tournament, organizers said.
但一名保护动物人士威胁要扰乱最近的大赛后,这项活动突然停办,主办单位说。By the end of its run, her (now defunct) weekly column had few readers.
在停办之前,她的每周专栏就已经几乎没有了读者。The Olympics have been halted during world wars but have continued amid other political strife.
奥运会曾在世界大战期间停办,但政治冲突无碍它的举行。Of the measures it has adopted to assist young people in need of the such service after cessation of the service?
在上述服务停办后,政府将采取甚么措施协助那些需要有关服务的青少年?Again, when a good independent school in Memphis recently closed.
再如,当孟菲斯的一所教学质量好的私立学校在不久前停办时。An unaccredited school in the U. S. may close for lack of funds.