
汉语拼音:běn bù



  1. 原隶属处。


  2. 指本人管辖的地区。

    唐 刘禹锡 《同州谢上表》:“今本部灾荒,物力困涸,忝为长吏,敢不竭诚。”

  3. 国土的中心部分,内地。

    毛泽东 《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》:“今天不同了, 日本 帝国主义者已经显示他们要向 中国 本部前进了,他们要占领全 中国 。”

  4. 犹总部。

    郭沫若 《北伐途次》二八:“我的意思是仍然以 汉口 为本部,而于 武昌 设立支部。”

  5. 藏语。官长。

    刘克 《央金》:“一天,在尘土飘浮的大路上驰来了一个金珠玛米的本部。”


    • Only members of the staff are allowed to use this staircase.


    • At bottom of EOS Tower, lies the Alien infested Omega Sector!


    • The department has excellent hardware, rich and experienced, faithful and efficient services.

      本部硬件成熟 、 经验丰富 、 诚信、高效地为你服务.

    • Mayo itself is just 40 miles east in Rochester.


    • Traditionally, a firm is referred to a partnership, as opposed to company.


    • Division operating its purpose: " indefinitely technology, services indefinitely. "

      本部经营的宗旨: “ 技术无止境, 服务无止境! ”

    • South Gate Campus Address: Xuzhou City, Azusa Street, 10 on the 1 st.

      校本部南校门地址: 苏州市十梓街1号.

    • Pudong Campus : Part secondary school component of the Department.

      浦东校区: 学校本部中学部组成.

    • Source: Department of Accounting, MOTC and related agencies.

      资料来源: 本部会计处及有关机关.

    • Order believes that we have infiltrated the Ministry.


    • Digital China General Headquarters, said that one person.


    • Main phone beauty of this Part, metal lettering, crystal picture production services such as personalized jewelry.

      本部主营手机美容 、 金属刻字 、 水晶图片制作等个性饰品服务.

    • Methods and operation of spiritual and material incentives are discussed in this part.


    • Please provide the Authorized User's particulars in Part III. If space is insufficient, please photocopy section.

      请在本部份填写授权用户资料.如本部份空位不足填写, 可将本部份影印.

    • The results show that the reproductive system is composed of organ, copulatory pouch and ovarian groove.

      结果表明,泥螺生殖系统由生殖器本部, 交媾器和卵精沟三部分组成.