No. A married person is not entitled to single parent allowance even though he she was the sole contributor to maintain the children.
你是已婚人士,即使独力支付子女的生活费,亦不可享有单亲免税额。Another sister was also in an unfortunate condition, having to raise her children on her own and suffering from several chronic diseases.
另一位师姊则独力养育儿女,本身又罹患一些慢性病。At the beginning of the war, Britain was pushed to the front line to fight against the fascism since France had been defeated.
战争初期,在法军全线溃败后,英国被推向了抗击德国的最前沿,难以独力抵挡法西斯的猛攻。But I don't think it's fair to ask China to handle it all. This is everyone's problem.
但我认为中国自己独力解决这个问题是不公平的,这是大家的问题。When they met, she said, she was raising two children on her own and not looking for a father figure for them.
当他们开始认识的时候,她说,她正独力抚养两个孩子,但是并不打算为他们物色一个父亲的角色。John quit his job and struck out on his own as a traveling salesman.
约翰辞掉工作去做旅行推销员,独力闯新路。He fought off the Rebels on his own after the remnants of the Imperial fleet fled under Captain Gilad Pellaeon.
在帝国舰队的残余在佩雷昂舰长的命令下撤退之后,他依靠自己一人独力对抗叛军。My company was the contractor. I built the theater there with my own two hands, practically.
我的公司是承包商。我差不多是独力地修建了那里的剧院。In 2003 China became only the third country, after the U. S. and Russia, to put a person into orbit on its own.