A curious friendship of theirs must have been a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet. "
他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。This routine is dynamic but static, ups and downs, with Qi and strength, solidness and softness, it feels agile but vigorous.
该套路动静有法、起伏有序、气力相兼、刚柔相济,给人既灵巧又雄浑的感受。Such as flowers, surrounded by tall stone so, While I am engaged in the endless reverie, the visitors had already left the team.
这样的花草,围绕着这样高大的石碑,刚柔相济,相映成趣。正当我陶醉在无穷的遐想时,参观的队伍早已经离去了。Therefore, an appropriate touch with tenacity, gang rou xiang ji , containing a large quantity of ink, durable and so on.
故笔锋具有坚韧适度,刚柔相济,含墨量大,经久耐用等特点。Be strong, yet supple. This is the way to rule.
刚柔相济,这是统治之道啊。The potential of the organic movement is a coherent whole out of bone Lycopodium japanicum action-oriented, continuous stretch;
各势动作是连贯的有机整体,动作注重伸筋拔骨,舒展连绵,刚柔相济;Brief Discussion on Establishment of New Management Pattern with the Combination of Rigidity and Moderation in Salt and Chemical Enterprises
浅议建立刚柔相济的盐化工企业管理新模式water to give Yangzhou culture of flexible discipline and flexibility, tenacity unrivaled cultural charm;
水的柔性赋予扬州文化刚柔相济、坚韧无比的文化魅力;The Brilliant Character Strength and Softness