汉语拼音:gāng bì zì yòng
- 【解释】:愎:任性;刚愎:强硬回执;自用:自以为是。十分固执自信,不考虑别人的意见。
- 【出自】:《左传·宣公十二年》:“其佐先穀,刚愎不仁,未肯用命。”《尚书·仲虺之诰》:“好问则裕,自用则小。”
- 【示例】:他想起李玉亭所说荪甫的~来了。他决定了主意不跟着荪甫跑了。
◎茅盾《子夜》十 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义,十分固执自信
He said it was unlikely that Wendelin Wiedeking, Porsche's headstrong chief executive, would be happy to stay on in a more "lowly" role.
他表示,刚愎自用的保时捷首席执行官文德林•魏德金(WendelinWiedeking),不太可能乐于留任一个“较低”的职位。China, with its own poor human rights record, can be expected to try to tone down criticism of its wayward protege.
各方谴责受中国保护的朝鲜刚愎自用,而人权纪录不佳的中国有望试图缓和谴责声势。Now he had become his destroyer a second time, since, but for his obstinacy Robertson might have effected his escape.
现在他又第二次毁了他,要不是他刚愎自用,罗伯逊也许已经逃脱。Lately they have had to deal with a difficult ally whose awkward strength is in part their own creation.
最近他们还不得不对付那个在他们某种程度的纵容下变得刚愎自用的执拗盟友。To his ruin, indeed, the fool gains knowledge and fame, they destroy his bright lot and cleave his head.
愚笨的人得到知识和名誉对自己毫无益处,不但损失了他的幸福,而且还会使他刚愎自用。an argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous ; an intelligent but argumentative child.
与人争辩的演讲;爱与人争辩到了刚愎自用的程度;一个聪明但爱与人争辩的小孩。I've known for a long time that you were proud and headstrong, but I thought time would change you.
很久以来我就知道你骄傲自负,刚愎自用,不过我以为时间会使你改变。At the same time news is becoming more opinionated, polarised and partisan, as it used to be in the knockabout days of pamphleteering.
同时新闻变得为一些刚愎自用的人群、极端人群和党派人士所利用,就像早期的小册子时期一样。"We are not feeling as dogged as people think about this issue, " said Mr Stone.