Bond : Bond selling at a price less than its par value.
Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.
证券代理买卖; 代理还本付息. 代理登记开户.
Please sign and return one copy for our file.
They also swell payment flows of debt service and financial fees.
Next, financial needs and feasible payback schedules need to be established.
Credit good, normal operation, debt servicing capacity.
资信良好, 经营正常, 有还本付息能力.
Please repay principal and interest.
Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.
证券的代理买卖 、 代理还本付息 、 分红派息; 证券代保管 、 鉴证; 代理登记开户.
When these treasury Bills Become due, the principal will Be repaid with interest.
国库券到期, 还本付息.
Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable, securities generation custody, Agents Registration accounts.
证券的代理买卖 、 代理还本付息 、 分红派息, 证券代保管 、 代理登记开户.
As they will never be repaid , the notes assume the characteristics of an equity issue.
He said that the medium - and long - term bonds only need to interest, short - term bill immediately to service.
他表示, 中期 和 长期 债券只需要付息, 短期 融资券马上要还本付息.
Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, visas; Agents Registration accounts.
证券代理买卖; 代理还本付息 、 红派息; 证券代保管 、 证; 代理登记开户.
Article 7 The securities company issuing short - term financing bills shall repay principal and interests on schedule.
第七条发行 短期 融资券的证券公司应当按期还本付息.
Jackson suggests to return bullet repayment of capital to pause, but decline suddenly originally accept.
杰克逊建议将子弹归还本顿, 但本顿谢绝接受.