
汉语拼音:huán běn



  1. 还归本土;回到原地方。

    《宋书·孝武帝纪》:“在朕受命之前,凡以罪徙放,悉听还本。”《宋书·江夏文献王义恭传》:“器甲於私,为用盖寡,自金银装刀剑战具之服,皆应输送还本。”《北史·傅竖眼传》:“有掠 蜀 人入境者,皆移送还本。”

  2. 出嗣宗族的养子还归本家。

    《宋书·江夏文献王义恭传》:“ 孝建 元年,以宗室 祗 长子 歆 继封。 祗 伏诛, 歆 还本。”《南齐书·江斅传》:“ 江忠简 胤嗣所寄,唯 斅 一人,傍无眷属。 斅 宜还本。”

  3. 归还借款的本金。

    《明史·食货志五》:“宝泉局铜本四十万两,旧例钱成还本太仓,次年再借,至是令永作铸本。” 明 卢象昇 《屯政疏》:“俟秋成,每银一两,除还本外,纳穀息银二钱。” 履冰 《春夜》:“他们都是卖了小猪才还本,我为啥子要给现钱呢?”


    • Bond : Bond selling at a price less than its par value.


    • Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.

      证券代理买卖; 代理还本付息. 代理登记开户.

    • Please sign and return one copy for our file.


    • They also swell payment flows of debt service and financial fees.


    • Next, financial needs and feasible payback schedules need to be established.


    • Credit good, normal operation, debt servicing capacity.

      资信良好, 经营正常, 有还本付息能力.

    • Please repay principal and interest.


    • Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.

      证券的代理买卖 、 代理还本付息 、 分红派息; 证券代保管 、 鉴证; 代理登记开户.

    • When these treasury Bills Become due, the principal will Be repaid with interest.

      国库券到期, 还本付息.

    • Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable, securities generation custody, Agents Registration accounts.

      证券的代理买卖 、 代理还本付息 、 分红派息, 证券代保管 、 代理登记开户.

    • As they will never be repaid , the notes assume the characteristics of an equity issue.


    • He said that the medium - and long - term bonds only need to interest, short - term bill immediately to service.

      他表示, 中期 和 长期 债券只需要付息, 短期 融资券马上要还本付息.

    • Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, visas; Agents Registration accounts.

      证券代理买卖; 代理还本付息 、 红派息; 证券代保管 、 证; 代理登记开户.

    • Article 7 The securities company issuing short - term financing bills shall repay principal and interests on schedule.

      第七条发行 短期 融资券的证券公司应当按期还本付息.

    • Jackson suggests to return bullet repayment of capital to pause, but decline suddenly originally accept.

      杰克逊建议将子弹归还本顿, 但本顿谢绝接受.