You don't have to pay any duty on personal belongings.
Illegal non - payment of tax is " tax evasion ".
不合法的不上税是 " 逃税 ".
I'm afraid your camera belongs to the category requiring customs duties.
Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cogarettes?
我必须给酒烟上税 吗 ?
There is no distinction between knocked - down ( KD ) and built - up ( BU ) equipment, except for a few equipment.
除少数 农机具 外, 对于哲卷季输的机具和整装运输的机具上税均无差别.
You don't have to pay any duty on personal.
Instead, withdrawals from roth IRA are generally not taxed.
而, 从IRA中取钱却不用上税.
This means the tax percentage increases as a family's income increases.
A joint venture means less taxation and more benefit for the investors.
Why restrict companies to recruiting only two workers without social charges?
为什么限制公司只能雇佣两名不上税的员工 呢 ?
Oh , no. Your personal belongings are not dutiable.
不是, 个人物品不上税.
Sorry, you have to pay duty on this.
对不起, 这个你得上税.
Are all the belongings subject to duty?
所带的物品都要上税 吗 ?
Yes, the ring is subject to duty.
是的, 得上税.
A: Are all belongings subject to duty?
所带的物品都得上税 吗 ?