Temple Peak in a small valley, ancient temples very funny.
寺在山顶小峪之中, 极富古刹风趣.
The bell in the ancient temple rang throughout the valley.
Fuhu Temple, the biggest Buddhist temple on the mountain, has 13 halls.
伏虎寺上下13殿, 为全山最大古刹.
The bells of the old temple resounded throughout the valley.
Temple ranks pool, Hidden Forest, Sally wind blowing, the mysterious quiet.
池畔古刹雄居, 林木掩映,仙风吹拂, 幽静神秘.
The four gilded characters Dragon Inn monastery are magnificent, and very impressive.
“龙居古刹”四个镀金大字,气势磅礴, 十分引人注目.
Master Xiuxiu and his seven pupils live in an oldtemple.
Chao Yun - ji temple to the Long, Diaolianghuadong, antique.
潮云寺为陇上古刹, 雕梁画栋, 古色古香.
These ancient temples of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism all.
这些古刹分别为儒教 、 道教 、 佛教所有.
After screen repair and expansion of the rock has become quite a spectacular jungle temple.
When girls married in ancient times , they did not wear white wedding dresses.
老衲多年隐居古刹, 已经不问世事了.
Ancient cultural tours including Yuanyingsi Pagoda, thousand - year - old Shuiyan Temple and Han Wengong Temple.
以源影寺塔 、 千年古刹水岩寺、韩文公祠为内容的古色旅游.
Legend of Wenzhou have an old abbot of a temple, went to Fujian alone learn.
传说温州某古刹有一位老方丈, 孤身一人赴福建取经.
There are also many temples , ancient temples, stone stele, ancient tombs, and other cultural footprints.
此外还有许多古刹庙宇 、 石刻碑碣 、 古塔古墓等文物足迹.
At this point the only temple the south side and Bao Houdian, Yao Yaoyu fall.