
汉语拼音:zhāng fēi



张飞 [人名。@@@@@公元?~@@@@@)字益德,一作翼德,三国蜀汉涿郡(今河北省涿县)人。少与关羽俱事刘备,号万人敌。官至车骑将军,封西乡侯。刘备伐吴,飞率兵会合,出兵前为部下所杀。諡桓。#####]
  1. 人名。@@@@@公元?~@@@@@)字益德,一作翼德,三国蜀汉涿郡(今河北省涿县)人。少与关羽俱事刘备,号万人敌。官至车骑将军,封西乡侯。刘备伐吴,飞率兵会合,出兵前为部下所杀。諡桓。


    • Yet his sworn Brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei , did not take Zhuge seriously.


    • At every challenge , Zhang Fei wanted to engage him , But was stopped by Liu Bei.

      张飞屡欲下关迎战, 均被刘备阻拦.

    • I need to buy a round trip ticket to Germany.


    • Though Zhangfei looks very fierce , he is essentially a good person.

      虽然张飞长得豹头环眼, 可心底不坏.

    • Zhang Fei: Ah Ha! This eighteen foot spear is good for me.

      张飞: 哈! 这把丈八蛇矛最适合我了!

    • Good afternoon. My name is Zhang Fei.

      下午好, 我叫张飞.

    • Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say , But they walked away sneeringly.

      关羽、张飞无话, 冷笑着走了.

    • Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door, and he stood by the bed.

      刘备就让关羽和张飞守在门口, 自己站在床边等他醒来.

    • Chapter 1 --- Zhang Fei suggested the oath of brotherhood to Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

      第1章 —— 张飞建议和刘备关羽结拜兄弟.

    • Here he stands ! Zhang Fei of Yan , who'll fight to death any man that dares?

      我乃燕人张翼德也! 谁敢与我决一死战? ——张飞据水断桥.